Category Archives: Babes Around the Beltway

Is DC really the most “Family Friendly” city?

The Washington Post’s new On Parenting Blogger, Janice D’Arcy, scooped us earlier this week when she noted that Parenting Magazine’s July issue names DC as the most “family friendly” city in the nation.

At first my heart swelled with pride for my hometown (well, kind of my hometown. Does 15 years count?)

Then I patted myself on the back a few times for being smart enough to raise my kids here. I did a few victory laps, I relished the notion that my children will be cultural savant’s because of the plethora of museums at our disposal and the excellent public education system.

But then I thought about living here. You know – actually living here – and the reality of it – and there is so much that is wonderful about DC. But I think we’re remiss in not discussing one really important topic as we all swell with pride over raising our kids in this most “family friendly” town in the country.

Umm…family friendly? Really? If you’re sitting in an office right now, are you surrounded by family-friendly policies that encourage you to have a work-life balance, enable you to skip out at 2pm without a care in the world, to take your suddenly ill child the docs and then roll in late tomorrow because little Johnny has a year-end  play?

I didn’t think so.

So yes, I do think that DC is an amazing city and one with so many advantages for raising children over others – starting not just with our free museums and fabulous zoo but with our strong housing market and decent job market as compared to other cities. But where I think DC lacks desperately is in leading the way with family friendly work policies, ones that support both parents in needing flexibility. Policies that recognize that horrible beltway traffic coincides with projectile vomiting child coincides with work meeting at 4pm and something’s got to give and you can choose your kid’s needs over your place of employment and not be judged for doing so. And it being the capital city, I think the onus is on our government (including Senate and House offices) and the companies headquartered here (including all the trade associations) to really carve the path towards supporting family friendly policies – not just including them in the employee handbook – but actually actively supporting them, encouraging employees to partake in flexible work schedules – and realizing that working from home can – and does – actually mean you work at home and, in my experience, accomplish  more than you can at work with all the other disruptions.

And note – I don’t consider things like “back up childcare” and childcare reimbursement pre-tax policies as the kind of family-friendly policies I’m looking for – because those policies help me remain at work – they don’t help me see my kids.

So yes, Parenting Magazine, DC is a fabulous town for so many reasons (though I also question their kid friendly restaurant reasoning – either that or I am spending way too much time at local Mexican restaurants or Pizza joints) – and I am proud that we topped the list. But before we get ahead of ourselves, I ask you what you think ?

What’s your reaction to DC being named most family-friendly? Have you seen an improvement in work-life balance policies at your office? Are others participating in family-friendly programs or is it the kiss of death to be the only person who actively uses these policies?

Dadchelor Parties?

Ok…every once in a while…when I am pressed for time…I will just bring to you some insane link and urge you to comment. Today is that day. WTF is this? DADCHELOR PARTIES?


Cause the men suffer so much during a pregnancy, they need some time away with buddies to decompress and prep for baby’s arrival?

And who are the wives that go along with this insanity?

It’s On. . .

Dear Loyal WM Followers, Fans, Frenemies…..

I’m back, it’s on, let’s get started. First off, thank you for reading me on Washingtonian’s site – it was super fun albeit brief. I hope you’ll follow me here – look to your right….you can subscribe super easily and then you have to make zero effort to keep up with the snark, the fun, the tips and the rants. And rants and snark there will be.

Here’s what I have in mind but I’d love to hear from you. I’m thinking of keeping the general commentary posts, I’m thinking of keeping the activities and ideas for weekend events with the kids, did you like those? Is it helpful? Should I keep it up? If so, know that I don’t get to Virginia much so if you hear of something in VA or want to promote a great kids event in VA, then email me. Post a comment here. Speak up and you will be heard.

I’m also going to launch my mom experts series that I didn’t have a chance to get off the ground on Washingtonian’s site. What is said series, you’re thinking, because you’re an expert? Yes. So am I. So tell me what you’re an expert in and maybe I’ll feature you here! My goal is to feature some amazing local DC Moms who are experts in topics we care about or things we can learn from. The primary point is: DC Moms are the stars here. Let’s get to know the stars among us (see – I am not so power-hungry and vain that I only feature myself here). Starting tomorrow, check in for a very informative and helpful piece from a local mom (and friend) who is an employment attorney with the EEOC…she will tip us off on maternity leave, protecting ourselves from pregnancy discrimination and nursing at work. Next week: Avoid horrid summer frizz hair featuring my amazing hairdresser (including a lesson on how to use a flat iron – bet you didn’t know your hair color impacts how to use it.)

I’m also thinking we need to discuss current hot topics like: Is there really a perfect swimsuit for moms at the pool who don’t want the kids to yank off half the suit, how to survive summer as school lets out, what politician is cheating on his wife this week, what stupid name did the latest celebrity pick for their poor unsuspecting baby, and whatever the Today Show does that annoys me that day.

Bottom line: I’ll post more frequently here, I’ll be snarkier here, I’ll have way more grammatical errors here. So please, bookmark this page, follow me on Twitter @wired_momma, subscribe to the blog, and continue with the comments, I love it! Let the games begin…spread the word…tell your friends….and thank you!

The Fallen Fairy Tale: Scorned Political Wives

Soliciting men in bathroom stalls , moving hookers over state lines (seriously, why aren’t ours here in DC good enough for Spitzer?), trysts in a TGI Fridays (really, McGreevey, really?), hiking the Appalachian trail – or was it lounging seaside in Argentina ( )- these are tales for an epic Hollywood blockbuster. The serious political leader caught with his pants down in outrageous scenarios is a constant thread in our media commentary. Arnold, we knew you had it in you, we just thought your story would be more exotic than a housekeeper. So let’s be honest with ourselves. We don’t devour every salacious detail of these affairs because of what the husband did, though, do we? We devour them because we are watching the scorned political wife.

And among those political wives, Ms. Edwards was the first to not stand by her man’s side in the mea culpa media interview . We applauded her for it. Then Ms. Sanford set the bar a little higher by dropping off the scene, leaking that she hadn’t spoken to her husband for weeks and demanded his repentance . Was the tide turning? Were we seeing a movement away from steadfast support of the husband because of his career? And why did these earlier political wives stand next to their husbands in those moments of humiliation and disgrace? Were they just in shock and willing to believe what they wanted to believe, or did they also believe in their husband-as-candidate so profoundly that they were willing to forgo their own humiliation?  

Julianna Margulies’ ill-titled show The Good Wife handled the perspective of the shamed wife with delicacy and respect through its first season. We watched as she rediscovered her independence, cultivated her career and built a life that wasn’t centered around her husband. But we watched her keep her husband at arm’s length, for the sake of her kids and presumably because you can’t stop loving the father of your children overnight.

So now we have Maria Shriver to watch. Possibly due to her own blue-blooded political savvy, in combination with her experience working for the media, she managed the message from the time it leaked out. It certainly can’t be a mistake that this news leaked months after the Governator left office. His political career was able to reach the apex he desired without his own indiscretions toppling it, like all these other idiots, but Maria managed to avoid the requisite press conference and already announced that she is separated from the dirty rotten scoundrel. She doesn’t look like a victim, she looks like she’s in charge.

So what does it leave us to think? What do we relay to our kids who are old enough to hear the incessant media chatter and ask us questions about it? How do we not shine the spotlight on our husbands and issue a few threats addressing precisely what we’ll do to them if they take up with the housekeeper or nanny or kindergarten teacher or school psychologist? Why do marriages fall apart after 25 years and four children? What does it say to the cheaters (and our kids) if we stick with them and what does it say to our kids if we ditch them?

Any one of these questions is enough to whip up a tornado of doubt and introspection to the point of neurotic.  So I choose to focus on the positive. My instinct is that we tell our kids the truth: many adult decisions are leaps of faith but we leap because we genuinely love someone; the inertia of the fear of what ifs is more paralyzing than the leap could be damaging. We stand by a spouse or we walk away based on what is right for us and what is right for our kids. We can’t ever really know what compels some political wives to stick around and others to walk away. But we have to believe that it takes two people to make a marriage work and two people to allow it to break.

And about that fairy tale, as a women’s studies minor and feminist protestor outside strip clubs in college (seriously), I enjoy watching my girls get lost into the world of a Disney fairy tale. Why can’t I let them believe there is a Prince for them? Why shouldn’t they think their daddy is my modern-day Prince? Weren’t 3 billion people worldwide glued to the marriage of Kate to William because we love fairy tales?  Maybe Maria tolerated Arnold’s behavior for as long as she felt her children needed her to and then she broke. Maybe the Terminator was Maria’s Prince for as long as she wanted one.

Maybe the real fairy tale is that the story isn’t linear and the Princess gets a few bruises along the way. But she brushes herself off and gets back up. Maybe that’s the real lesson for the kids.