Category Archives: Humor

Oh NO…NO….You Didn’t….

Here’s the thing about disciplining kids, especially as they get a little older. I find that they rarely do just one outrageous thing that lands them in the dog house. Instead they chip, chip, chip away. Slowly but surely you realize that you’ve been repeating yourself like a broken record for half the day.

“Don’t leave your shoes right there.”
“Why are your shoes still in the same spot.”

“Show me that you are a responsible kid, let’s put your shoes where they belong.”

“Did I REALLY just trip over these same shoes?”



It’s a slow build. It’s a silent way of being disobedient and disrespectful and if you’re busy and moving through the day, you can forget that repetition is just as obnoxious and rude as overt disobedience.

Last night, I snapped.

It had been one of those days where the girls would play and then chaos would erupt, then we’d settle back down to peace and chaos would quickly erupt again, the tears, the drama, the fighting. These are things that can break your soul on a tired day, right?

By dinner time, I’d had enough. One grabbed herself a popsicle from the freezer, the other deliberately butt-bumped the younger one on the way to refill something by the sink and suddenly there were about half a dozen popsicles from the freezer on the floor.

Me: Pick up the popsicles and put them in the freezer

Child 1: I didn’t do it, she did it.

Child 2: Ignoring it all completely.

Me: Turning away and saying something to their dad because I naively assume one of them will pick up the popsicles they love so much. Surely they wouldn’t want them to melt. Note: popsicles fall out of the freezer pretty  much daily and I am regularly asking them to pick them up and put them away. You see where we are headed.

Let’s just put the above scenario on repeat multiple times over the next few minutes. The children alternating pointing blame at who is responsible for the popsicles on the floor yet neither one of them PICKING THEM UP.

My annoyance rising.

Mr. WM’s annoyance rising.

Then I bark at them to pick them up if anyone actually wants a popsicle and they ignore me.

What happens next, friends? Quite possibly sheer genius. See, in parenting, genius often happens in a flash. You can’t plan for these things, you can’t possibly know how you will react in the moment.

I said “If you don’t pick those popsicle’s up right now, I will take all the popsicle from the floor and the freezer and put them in the trash.”

They both stood there and just stared at me.

And suddenly, I thought, “Holy shit, that is brilliant. OBVIOUSLY I am going to do that” because I am THAT MAD. Frankly, I wondered, why hadn’t this occurred to me sooner??

Sure enough, I stood up, tossed all the ones from the floor in the trash, dramatically opened the freezer, grabbed another handful of popsicles, theatrically tossed those and then for my final act….my final stroke of strong-point-making-without-yelling, I grabbed the popsicle from the table that my 4-year-old had just removed the wrapper from, and tossed that one in the trash.

Our children do this to us

Our children do this to us

I was like the Grinch stealing the last crumb from Cindy Lou Hoo. My heart might have been two sizes too small last night but let me tell you, it was so empowering. It was cathartic, really. And it was my children who shrank my heart slowly but surely throughout the day.


Then I sent them to their rooms.

They were stunned silent.

Another remarkable feat achieved by moi that I never thought possible…SILENCE.

Sure, the tears erupted eventually once they realized it wasn’t a joke and I meant it.

Here’s the deep question. Whenever I choose to purchase some new popsicles, which might take me a bit, depends on my mood, we know the first time they drop them on the floor, they will pick them back up. But how many times after that before they repeat the cycle and ignore me?

Hit “Like” on the Wired Momma FB page if your heart is also 2 sizes too small.





What I Learned Over Summer Break

Let’s pretend I were going back to school this week. Here’s what I’d tell my teacher I learned over summer break:

1. My children are cows. They eat all the time. Nothing reminds you more of this reality than summer break. The constant grazing drives me NUTS. Yet I can’t win this battle. I threatened at each meal if they didn’t finish what was on their plates, they would get nothing until the next meal. I am full of shit. My only option was to give-up feeding them on weekends and let their dad do it.

The constant grazing drives me nuts.My children are cows.

2. When sunscreen is concerned, every day is ground hog day. From Memorial Day to the present day, sunscreen must be applied on my extremely fair and red headed children EVERY DAY. Yet it is a daily battle, the whining, the complaining, the running away when they see the bottles come out of the drawer. Why? Why? Why is this still happening?



3. I’m Not a Tiger Mom. We had big goals and dreams for what we were going to accomplish academically this summer. We didn’t. They are 7 and 4. It falls on me. Morning work time and word wall words happened in late June. By the time we were through July 4, forget it.

Haven’t read quite this many yet this summer

Practicing letters and numbers for my preschooler, again, we were hot to trot in June. By July, who needs numbers and letters, let’s turn on a show!!


4. Summer Bucket Lists are Super Annoying.  Back to hopes, dreams, unicorns and wishes, we had BIG PLANS for this summer, I tell you. BIG PLANS. Does getting organized to hit the pool by 3pm count for anything?

5. Bike rides are happy-ish experiences for which even the most prepared are, apparently, never prepared.   My oldest started riding without training wheels in the spring. I had big ambitions for our summer days spent biking because we are steps from Rock Creek Park.

Even a vacation bike ride on the beach turned into an epic drama.

Even a vacation bike ride on the beach turned into an epic drama.

The world was our oyster. Until one day when we were heading out for a 3 mile round trip escapade and about 6/10ths of a mile from home, my youngest pointed out some deer, my oldest looked, swerved and had an epic wipe out. I swear there is still gravel in her shins. After safely getting off my bike, ensuring my youngest was stable in the bikeseat on the back of my bike, I went to tend to the gushing blood pouring from my oldest’s knees as she screamed bloody murder. Had there been any sharks or wolves lurking, we would have been screwed.

But see – I had no supplies with me. No band aids, no neosporin, no nothing. We had only the grass to wipe her blood all over.  And then, as luck would have it, my bike went tumbling down, bringing my youngest crashing to the ground, scraping up her elbow with blood now gushing from her arm.


Next bike ride, I was PREPARED. My backpack was filled with bandages, neosporin, band aids, water, I was a mobile CVS clinic.

Except when my eldest got stung by a hornet 4 miles from our house – think I was prepared for that?

Happy-ish Trails……..

The year I took back vacation. Or my kids gave it back.

The year I took back vacation. Or my kids gave it back.

6. Summer vacation can be reclaimed.  This one was a real surprise to me friends. Many of you know I’ve spent several summers writing about how vacation is actually “vacation.” I loathed those cruel parents on the beach who had the audacity to bring a MAGAZINE. Or could have conversations with their spouses. WHAT THE HELL were they doing, I scowled, while I chased, ran, scrambled, negotiated and wiped tears. Indeed, my friend so wisely dubbed vacation as actually just JOB RE-LOCATION.

I’ve written about it so much in the past.

By the end of the summer, I didn’t quite have the nerve to bring a book to the beach because through the crashing waves and squawking seagulls, I knew they could hear me open its pages and would come running, immediately hungry. But I sipped cool refreshing drinks, had uninterrupted conversations with Mr. WM and dare I say, RELAXED? It is true, it can happen to you if it hasn’t already, vacation does become a true word again. Not an ironic  word.

Believe, kittens. C’est vrai.

7. Children are allergic to closing screen doors.  My home is a shelter for flies. I can’t win this one.

What did you learn over summer break? What did I forget? Hit “Like” on Wired Momma’s Facebook page, or you’re totally missing out.

The United Nations of Carlos Danger: Or When Sisters Text….

On Thursday afternoon, I texted my sister to find out if she’d heard any news on the offer she and her husband had put on a house. As with really

Photo Credit: Twitter MikeElmendorf

Photo Credit: Twitter MikeElmendorf

any conversation I have with any one of my sisters, it quickly devolved into random and absurd-land. It’s fun to be a Gallagher-sister, I think we documented quite well during our raunchy ABC Series for preschool.

I spent a good part of the day obsessing over why Huma would bother to stay with her husband and so the fun speculation behind her motivations began in our texts as you can see here:


And then, suddenly, all bets were off:


And suddenly, just like that, a new game was born. What other international pseudonyms could or SHOULD we be using now that #CarlosDanger is taken?

Fret not kittens, for we took the liberty of brainstorming a few:


And in case you were wondering, yes, she is giving me a lesson in how to get a screengrab of our texts for this very blog post because #IAmDumb.

Back to the game, in addition to the nod to Germany, France and Mexico, we then came up with the following:

Declan O’Danger, shout out to Ireland

Tony Weineroni, shout out to Italy

Miles O’Peter, another shout out to Ireland

Richard Richards, Earl of Porkingham, for our British mates

Long Dong Dangerous – an Asian inspiration and OBVIOUSLY inspired by great 80s hero Long Duk Dong (and possible inspiration for Carlos Danger, right? What’s happenin’ hot stuff…..:


Sum Dim Dangerous?

Maybe Spicy Noodle?

Another friend chimed in with: #WhereInTheWorldIsCarlosSanDanger or #DongedCrusader

What’d we miss?

Isn’t texting fun?

Be sure to hit “Like” on the Wired Momma Facebook page – it’ll be the most fun you ever did have.


Six Universal Truths about Kids: A Humorous Picture Post

It’s time for another picture post…today I offer you my six universal truths about kids. Why stop at just six, you ask?

Because frankly, we don’t have all day.

I’d also like to weigh in on the debate over nature versus nurture:  clearly the below facts about children are about nature because lord knows I don’t nurture these habits.

Universal Kid-ism #1: Much like Taylor Swift is never, ever, ever gonna get back together with you, don’t you dare think I will ever close the screen door. Ever. Yet when I do come inside to eat or go to bed, there better NOT be a fly in the house. Ever. Also, I don’t care about air conditioning the patio. It probably needed it. #You’reWelcome

Exhibit A. How many times will I close the door all summer long?

Exhibit A. How many times will I close the door all summer long?


Universal Kid-ism #2: Left foot and Right Foot are only a state of mind. That adults suffer from. #Obviously. If you are 4-years-old, you walk around like this all day long and not one thing feels weird:


Universal Kid-ism #3: If you buy a box of Band-Aids, I need that box. The entire thing. Immediately.


Universal Kid-ism #4: Your iPad is actually my iPad. Your iPhone is my iPhone. And if you leave them laying around, I will take no less than 500 pictures of my feet, pages of my books, the picture I colored, my favorite characters on TV or my sister playing on the iPad. Exhibit A:


Universal Kid-ism #5: I never have to pee. Ever. Especially when I wake up in the morning. #TrueStory #EveryDay

why do they do this? Photo Credit:

why do they do this? Photo Credit:

And last but not least

Universal Kid-ism #6: I better not ever find my precious artwork in here or there WILL be hell to pay #IAmAnArtist:


Right? Right.

Like Wired Momma on Facebook. It will be the most fun you ever did have.